How to take care of plants in rainy season

By Gyan Biswal - June 22, 2022
How to take care of plants in rainy season

The rainy season can be difficult for plants. Between the wet weather and all of the pests that love to take advantage of moist conditions, it can be hard for plants to thrive. But with a little bit of care, you can help your plants stay healthy and look great throughout the rainy season. In this blog post, we will discuss how to take care of plants in rainy season!

10 tips on how to take care of plants in rainy season

1. Learn what plants need to thrive in the rain 

The key to taking care of plants during the rainy season is to understand the needs of different plants. Some plants, such as annuals and vegetables, need a lot of water to thrive. Others, such as succulents and cacti, can rot if they receive too much water. In general, it is best to err on the side of caution and check the soil before watering. If the soil is already moist, refrain from watering until the top inch or so of soil is dry. For plants that need a lot of water, consider installing a sprinkler system or investing in a rain barrel. This will help to ensure that your plants receive the moisture they need without overwatering. 

2- Prune plants before the monsoon

how to take care of plants in rainy season- prune plant

As the rains lash down, it's time to start thinking about how to take care of your plants during the rainy season. Many people make the mistake of assuming that all plants need is water and they will be fine. However, this is not the case. In fact, too much water can actually damage plants, leading to fungal growth and disease. Pruning is one of the most important things you can do to prepare your plants for the rainy season. By trimming back dead or dying foliage, you will provide better air circulation and allow the plant to direct its energy towards new growth. In addition, pruning will help to prevent fungal diseases from taking hold. So before the rains come, take some time to give your plants a good prune.

3. Remove lower leaves on your plant

how to take care of plants in rainy season - Remove lower leaves

Many plants require specific care in order to thrive, and this is especially true during the rainy season. One of the most important things you can do for your plants during this time is to remove lower leaves. This may seem counterintuitive, but lower leaves are more susceptible to rot and disease, which can spread quickly in wet conditions. Lower leaves are more likely to become waterlogged and damage the plant. Also removing lower leaves on your plant will help avoid fungus attacks since the lower leaves are more likely to touch the ground and get wet.

4. Fill up the garden pot with soil mix

how to take care of plants in rainy season- fill soil mix

When the rainy season comes, many gardeners find that their plants require special care. Taking a few simple precautionary measures can help ensure that your plants stay healthy and thrive throughout the rainy season. First, be sure to fill containers all the way to the top with soil mix. This will prevent water from getting logged in empty spaces and causing the roots to rot. Second, mix garden soil with vermicompost or cow dung compost in a ratio of 80:20. This will help improve drainage and prevent water logging. Third, make sure to leave half an inch of space at the top of each container. This will allow excess water to drain off without damaging the roots. 

5. Cutting off all dead and infected twigs 

how to take care of plants in rainy season- cut dead twigs

The rainy season is the perfect time to give your plants a much-needed refresh. Start by cutting off any dead or infected twigs - this will help to prevent the spread of disease. Next, apply a fungicide to the cut portions of the plant. This will help to protect against fungal growth, which can be particularly damaging in wet conditions. 

6. Disinfect the plants with hydrogen peroxide and fungicide

how to take care of plants in rainy season- hydrogen peroxide

One of the best ways to take care of your plants during the rainy season is to disinfect them with hydrogen peroxide. This will help kill any bacteria, germs, or fungus that may be present in the plants. You can mix hydrogen peroxide with water and spray it all over the plants. Doing this once every 15 days should be sufficient. Another way to protect your plants during the rainy season is to apply a fungicide. You can mix one teaspoon of any type of fungicide with 3 liters of water and apply it to the plants. This will help to prevent any fungus from growing on the plants. By taking these simple steps, you can ensure that your plants remain healthy and thrive during the rainy season.

Also Read: 8 Amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide for plants in the garden

7. Take proper insect control measure

how to take care of plants in rainy season- insects control

In the rainy season, most insects attack plants. You can apply neem oil to take proper insect control measures. Take 5 ml of neem oil in 1 liter of water and mix it with any type of liquid soap, hand wash, or dish wash (around 3 ml). Mix well and spray it once in 10-15 days. Neem oil is a natural insecticide and will keep your plants healthy without harming the environment.

8. Save your Cacti and Succulents from rainwater

how to take care of plants in rainy season- cactus plant

Cacti and succulents are some of the most drought-resistant plants in the world, able to survive in dry climates that receive little rainfall. However, these plants are not immune to the effects of rainwater. Heavy rains can dilute the soil around cacti and succulents, making it difficult for the plant to absorb nutrients. Cacti and succulents are particularly vulnerable to rain damage, so it's important to move them to a covered area during heavy downpours. In addition, rainwater can cause rot and fungal growth, leading to problems like root rot. As a result, it is important to take special care of cacti and succulents during rainy periods. One way to do this is to choose a pot with good drainage. This will help to prevent waterlogging and ensure that excess water can quickly drain away from the roots. 

9. Clear the bottom hole of the pot for proper drainage

how to take care of plants in rainy season- drainage hole

We all know that plants need water to grow, but did you know that too much water can be just as damaging as too little? When it rains heavily, water can pool around the roots of your plants, leading to problems with drainage and oxygenation. As a result, your plants may become stunted or even die. To avoid this, make sure to clear any potential bottom holes before the rainy season begins. This will help ensure that water can drain away from the roots of your plants, preventing root rot and other problems. 

10- Fertilize your plants in the rainy season with a balanced fertilizer

Fertilize your plants in rainy season

It's the time of year when rain is plentiful and your plants are growing like crazy. But what does that mean for your fertilizing schedule? Do you need to fertilize more often? Or less? The answer may surprise you. First, let's look at how rain affects your plants. When it rains, water runs off the land and carries away topsoil. This topsoil is essential for plant growth because it contains important nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Without these nutrients, your plants will be unhealthy and unable to grow properly. Additionally, rainwater can leach nutrients out of the soil, making them unavailable to your plants. 

The key to keeping your plants healthy during the rainy season is to fertilize them regularly. A balanced fertilizer will replenish the nutrients that have been washed away, and help your plants to stay strong. You can use vermicompost blended 1-2 tsp bonemeal and Neem Cake for each pot of plant on it to get an even application across all surfaces within each growing container or garden area as well! This will help ensure that your plants get the nutrients they need, even if some of them are washed away by the rain. You can also apply liquid fertilizer every 15 days during the rainy season. This will help to replenish the nutrients that have been lost and keep your plants healthy. 


Now that you know how to take care of plants in the rainy season, get outside and put your knowledge into practice! By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your plants stay healthy and happy all season long. And who knows? Maybe you’ll even start a new hobby in the process.

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