How to Make Bonsai Soil at Home in India - Best Bonsai Soil Mix

By Gyan Biswal - August 1, 2022
How to Make Bonsai Soil at Home in India - Best Bonsai Soil Mix

Bonsai is an art that has been practiced for centuries. One of the most important aspects of bonsai is the soil in which the trees are planted. A good bonsai soil mix is essential for the health and growth of your bonsai tree and should be light and well-drained. The bonsai soil mix should contain a variety of ingredients that will provide nutrients and support for the roots. In this blog post, I will teach you how to make bonsai soil at home in India.

What is bonsai soil and why is it important?

Bonsai soil is a type of potting mix that is specifically designed for bonsai trees. While traditional potting soil can be used for bonsai, bonsai soil is often lighter and more aerated, which helps to promote drainage and prevent the roots from becoming waterlogged. 

Bonsai soil mix typically contains a variety of ingredients that I will discuss below. Each of these materials has its own benefits, but together they create a well-draining yet moisture-retentive potting mix that is ideal for bonsai trees. 

While there are many commercially available bonsai soil mixes, it is also possible to make your own. Bonsai soil is a very important part of growing healthy bonsai trees. It can certainly help to create the ideal growing conditions for your tree.

What ingredients are needed to make bonsai soil mix 

There are a few different ingredients that you will need to make bonsai soil mix. These include:

  • Filtered Gravel Sand
  • Crushed Brick 
  • River Sand 
  • Compost (Vermicompost/ Cowdung Compost) 
  • Garden soil 
  • Perlite 
  • Neem Cake Powder
  • Coco Peat 
  • Ash
  • Leaf Mould

Gravel Sand:


Gravel sand is a critical ingredient in the bonsai soil mix. It helps to promote drainage and prevents the roots from becoming waterlogged. In addition, gravel sand helps to aerate the soil and allows for better root growth. Overall, gravel sand is an essential component of any bonsai soil mix. 

Crushed Brick: 


As a gardener, I'm always on the lookout for materials that can help improve the health of my bonsai plants. One material that I've been using more and more lately is crushed brick. Crushed brick helps to improve both aeration and drainage in the soil, which is essential for healthy plant growth. 

In addition, the brick helps to break up clay soils, making them easier for roots to penetrate. And because the brick is porous, it also helps to regulate moisture levels in the soil, preventing both water logging and drought stress. 

River Sand: 

how-to-make-bonsai-soil-at-home-in-india-River Sand

River sand is a great option for bonsai soil mix. It is readily available near construction sites, and it is relatively inexpensive. In addition, river sand has a coarse texture that helps to aerate the soil and promote healthy root growth. It drains well, which is important for bonsai plants.



The most important ingredient in a bonsai soil mix is compost. Compost helps to add nutrients and organic matter to the mix. You can make your own compost at home, or you can purchase it from a garden center or best vermicompost available online from Amazon. If you are using store-bought compost, be sure to choose a brand that is specifically designed for bonsai trees. 

Cowdung compost is an excellent option for bonsai soil mixes. It is high in nitrogen, which is essential for the growth of young bonsai trees. It is also relatively inexpensive and easy to find. You can purchase it online or at most garden centers. 

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Vermicompost is another excellent option for bonsai soil mixes. It is made from organic matter that has been broken down by worms. Vermicompost is rich in nutrients and microorganisms, both of which are essential for healthy bonsai growth. You can purchase the best vermicompost brands online or at some nurseries.

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Garden Soil: 

how-to-make-bonsai-soil-at-home-in-india-Garden Soil

Garden soil can be used as a base for the mix. 


Bonsai soil mix Perlite

Perlite is an excellent soil mix ingredient for bonsai. It doesn't lose its shape when pressed into the soil, has a pH level that is neither acidic nor basic, and contains no poisonous chemicals. 

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In addition to being porous, perlite also contains pockets of space inside for air. This allows it to retain some amount of water while allowing the rest to drain away. Perlite is also excellent for the aeration of roots, which helps improve drainage. 

Neem Cake Powder: 

Neem Cake Powder - Bonsai soil mix

Neem cake powder is a natural fertilizer that can help to add nutrients to the mix. Neem cake powder is derived from the seeds of the neem tree, and it has both pest-repelling and anti-fungal properties. As such, it can be a helpful addition to any bonsai soil mix.

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Coco Peat: 


Coco peat is a type of coconut fiber that helps to improve aeration and drainage. In addition, it also helps to retain moisture, which is important for keeping your bonsai tree healthy. As a bonus, coco peat is also environmentally friendly and renewable.

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Ash Fertilizer: 

how-to-make-bonsai-soil-at-home-Ash Fertilizer

One way to help improve drainage and prevent compaction is to add ash fertilizer to the soil mix. This is made from the ashes of burned wood, and it contains a variety of minerals that are essential for plant growth. 

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In addition, ash fertilizer helps to improve drainage and aeration, making it an ideal choice for bonsai trees.

Leaf Mould: 

how-to-make-bonsai-soil-at-home-Leaf Mould

Leaf mould is a popular choice for bonsai soil mixes, as it helps to add organic matter and improve soil structure. 

In addition, leaf mould can also help to boost water retention, making it an ideal ingredient for trees that are grown in hot, dry climates.

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Now that you know what ingredients are needed, let's move on to the next step: How to make bonsai soil mix ration!

Preparing Bonsai Soil Mix Ratio

Bonsai soil mix is very important for the health of your Bonsai tree. It is therefore important to add the right ingredients and mix them properly. You can find the list of the 10 ingredients above. 

bonsai soil mix ratio

Once you've got your soil mix all sorted, filter out the small dust particles as they might block the drainage holes. You'll want to keep the larger particles for drainage and aeration. And that's it! With this simple recipe, you'll be on your way to creating beautiful bonsai masterpieces in no time.

How to Choose Bonsai Pot

Bonsai are miniature trees that are grown in pots, and they can make beautiful additions to any home or office. However, choosing the right bonsai pot can be a challenge. 

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There are many different sizes, shapes, and styles to choose from, and it is important to select a pot that will complement the tree. 

How to Choose Bonsai Pot

The basic rules for choosing a bonsai pot are:

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  • First, consider the size of your tree. A pot that is too small will stunt the growth of your tree, while a pot that is too large will make it difficult to maintain the desired shape. The pot should not be more than ⅔ the height of the tree
  • Second, think about the shape of your tree. Some bonsai are oval-shaped, while others are more round. Select a pot that will showcase the natural shape of your tree.
  • Third, The color of the pot should be subdued so as not to distract from the overall composition.
  • Four, all four "feet" of the pot should touch the ground when kept.
  • Five, There should be enough space between the edge of the pot and the trunk of the tree to allow easy watering without wetting the trunk.
  • Finally, consider the style of your home or office. There are many different styles of bonsai pots to choose from, so select one that will fit in with your decor. 

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By following these simple tips, you can easily find the perfect bonsai pot for your tree.

Bonsai soil mix online India:

The soil for your bonsai trees can be as simple or complicated, depending on whether you want to grow them in an urban setting with limited resources like time and space. 

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If this sounds like something that would work well given how much we already have available outside our homes then buying pre-mixed packages from Amazon is a great idea.

There are many different types of bonsai soil mixes available online in India but I've picked out 5 specific ones (read here) just because they seem most popular among customers who use these products frequently themselves. 

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Tips: Don’t use Kitchen garden soil in Bonsai Soil mix.

What is the Best Bonsai fertilizer?

Bonsai lovers know that the key to a healthy, thriving plant is using the right fertilizer. Bonsai plants are delicate, and using too much fertilizer can harm them. However, using the wrong kind of fertilizer can also limit their growth. So, what is the best fertilizer for bonsai?

Organic liquid fertilizer is generally considered the best option for bonsai plants. This type of fertilizer is made from natural ingredients like mustard cake and bone meal. 

To make organic liquid fertilizer, mix mustard cake and bone meal in a 7:3 ratio with 10 parts water. Let the mixture sit for 20 days, then stir it and let it sit for another 5 days. The finished fertilizer will have a strong smell, but it is safe to use on bonsai plants. 

To apply it, mix 1 part fertilizer with 1000 parts water and sprinkle it over the soil or directly onto the leaves of the plant. Apply the fertilizer in the evening to avoid harming the leaves with the sun's rays.

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FAQs on Bonsai Soil Making:

Can I use regular potting soil for bonsai?

No, you cannot use regular potting soil for bonsai. Bonsai soil is different from regular potting soil in several ways. First, it is much more coarse, which helps to improve drainage. Second, it typically contains inorganic materials such as gravel or pumice, which help to increase aeration. While regular potting soil can be used in a pinch, it is not ideal for the long-term growth or health of bonsai trees.

When should I change my bonsai soil?

The best time to change your bonsai soil is in the spring before new growth begins. This will give the roots a chance to adjust to their new environment and ensures that they will have access to all the nutrients they need. To change the soil, simply remove the old soil from the pot and replace it with fresh bonsai soil. 

How often should I water bonsai?

Bonsai should be watered regularly, about once per week, or when the soil appears dry. The frequency may vary depending on the season and the type of bonsai tree. Overwatering can be just as harmful as underwatering, so it is important to check the soil before watering and to allow the tree to drain thoroughly afterward. Bonsai trees should never be left sitting in water.

Also Read: How to do Gardening on Terrace: 10 Tips and Tricks for Success


Now that you know the basics of how to make bonsai soil at home in India, it's time to get started on your own bonsai journey! With a little patience and care, you'll be well on your way to growing healthy and beautiful bonsai trees. Be sure to check out our other blog posts for more


Bonsai Soil Mix Overview:  BONSAI FACTORY

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